GR9277 #83
Alternate Solutions |
cjohnson415 2013-08-19 01:40:11 | Here's an alternative solution that skips the trig altogether:
Due to small , we can consider each as a simple pendulum, a special case of the simple harmonic oscillator:

Thus , which is the restoring force constant ( ), so:

The rest is the same algebra, just a different/potentially quicker/potentially prettier way to arrive at the force balance. |  | neo55378008 2012-08-18 12:27:15 | Dimensional analysis helps!
Since is in N, will have units of 
Mg has units of N
so will have units of 
This leaves only A and B. Knowing that solving for will give half of d, take the solution with an extra 2 in it! (A) |  | redmomatt 2011-11-06 08:25:21 | Heres another take without the trig functions...
Since is small, we can remove all of the trig functions. Thus, we just need to equate the outward Coulomb force to the force of gravity along the horizontal .
, since .
, which is (B) . |  | Andresito 2006-03-29 14:56:46 | It is a bit faster to equate F(electric) = T*Sin(theta), m*g = T*Cos(theta) and divide them. Tan(theta) ~ theta |  |
Comments |
astropolo 2014-07-29 11:55:16 | I have a quick question about the small angle approximations. Why can you approximate that Cos~1 while you use the geometry for Sin rather than saying sin~theta?
JoshWasHere 2014-08-20 08:20:22 |
When you expand cosine and sine, you see that the first two terms in the cosine and sine expansion are cos = 1 - and sin = - . Because of the small angle, we select only the first order terms, and drop all higher order terms (with the condition that < 5 degrees).
|  | cjohnson415 2013-08-19 01:40:11 | Here's an alternative solution that skips the trig altogether:
Due to small , we can consider each as a simple pendulum, a special case of the simple harmonic oscillator:

Thus , which is the restoring force constant ( ), so:

The rest is the same algebra, just a different/potentially quicker/potentially prettier way to arrive at the force balance. |  | greatspirits 2012-11-02 15:49:28 | Energy conservation anyone? The change in gravitational potential energy should equate to potential between the charges. So... should equate to... hmmm well I usually prefer the energy method but the force way seems to be more effecient here. |  | neo55378008 2012-08-18 12:27:15 | Dimensional analysis helps!
Since is in N, will have units of 
Mg has units of N
so will have units of 
This leaves only A and B. Knowing that solving for will give half of d, take the solution with an extra 2 in it! (A)
henryb 2016-09-12 18:14:40 |
thx a lot. this is the simplest solution
|  | redmomatt 2011-11-06 08:25:21 | Heres another take without the trig functions...
Since is small, we can remove all of the trig functions. Thus, we just need to equate the outward Coulomb force to the force of gravity along the horizontal .
, since .
, which is (B) . |  | Dodobird 2010-11-12 11:57:31 | tan(theta) = d/2L
tan(theta) = kq*q/d*d*MG
d/2L = kq*q/d*d*MG
gives answer A. |  | FortranMan 2008-10-03 14:02:49 | Also note because theta is so small here, we can approximate the vector component of the gravity that's NOT inducing tension to be d/2. |  | JAS 2007-11-01 09:20:45 | It seems easier to equate torques around the pivot point, where the torque on the right mass due to the repulsive electric force isrnrn counterclockwisernrnand the torque on the right mass due to its weight is:rnrn clockwisernrn and rnrnFrom this, choice A follows. |  | relain 2007-10-23 19:21:51 | typo in the question, option D should be a square not a cube root. It's currently identical to option B. |  | Andresito 2006-03-29 14:56:46 | It is a bit faster to equate F(electric) = T*Sin(theta), m*g = T*Cos(theta) and divide them. Tan(theta) ~ theta |  |
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