GR0177 #15
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Lab Methods }Precision
The most precise measurement might be the wrong value, as long as after meany measurements, each measurement is very close to the mean. Thus, the width of the height vs number of trials graph must be as thin as possible. The only choice that shows this characteristic is choice (A).
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Comments |
s0crates 2008-10-20 15:55:29 | If you need a little more explanation for this one, check out this wiki on it, it helped me out quite a bit:
wallace 2014-10-22 08:04:14 |
So, it is a sort of verbal game!Just accuracy or precision matters.
|  | theeldest 2006-12-01 16:35:49 | There are two things to describe measurements. Accuracy and Precision. Accuracy is nearness to the actual answer, and Precision is closeness of measurements to eachother. |  | tera 2006-09-13 11:48:22 | Can someone explain a liitle more this one?
dirichlet 2006-11-14 12:23:07 |
I think there are two points, the hight of the curve drawn and the width of the same curve. Let us discuss two cases, if the hight of the curve varies along the vertical axis as it happens in the last four options , we can say that most of the students did not undergo many trials which violates the criteria of a good experiment.
On the contrary, if the width of the graph is small,i.e. if it is thin, it means most of them did the experiment properly and also their results do not vary abruptly.
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