GR9277 #44
Alternate Solutions |
rrfan 2011-11-06 12:45:34 | The Lagrangian is , where and . Only choices (A) and (B) contain . Of these two, only (A) is possible because must be greater than or equal to . |  |
Comments |
rrfan 2011-11-06 12:45:34 | The Lagrangian is , where and . Only choices (A) and (B) contain . Of these two, only (A) is possible because must be greater than or equal to .
RusFortunat 2015-10-22 16:32:57 |

|  | Quark 2011-10-26 15:17:39 | This is probably a silly question but, why would one be wrong in choosing choice (E)? I actually picked the right answer (A) on the test but glancing over it again, (E) is also correct in the most general form. Is it not explicit enough? lol
rrfan 2011-11-06 13:14:00 |
the +mgy is wrong.
livieratos 2011-11-08 14:41:41 |
also if i remember correctly, since the two coordinates of each other the Lagrangian has to be dependent only on one of them and on its time derivative, not both...
but i could be wrong. guess i should read lagrange and hamilton again :P
|  | $null 2009-10-28 16:39:52 | Reposted to section...(with sexy LaTeX)
There is a typo in Answer A, it should be , not  |  | tan 2009-10-14 23:52:17 | There is a typo in Answer A, it should be y dot, not y double dot. |  | mdornfe1 2008-11-06 16:58:28 | This can be done by noticing that potential energy has to be -mgy. A and B are only answers with this property. Second the kinetic energy must always be positive 1-(4ay)^-1 is not always positive. So choice A is the answer.
his dudeness 2010-09-04 13:42:09 |
well done, brah
TeamGandalf 2011-04-01 18:12:40 |
The Lagrangian is equal to T-V. Why doesn't the negative from the Potential cancel the negative in the equation?
Why isn't it L = T - (-mgy)= T + mgy?
Quark 2011-10-26 15:20:37 |
The lagrangian is L = T - U. You can't have a negative potential energy... U=mgy not (-mgy).
|  | Poop Loops 2008-10-12 00:45:40 | So what happens when y = 0, as it inevitably will when the particle comes back down?
segfault 2009-09-04 12:14:26 |
(I realize I'm replying to a 1 year old post--this is for the general public). When y->0, the term will blow up but will be zero, so L won't blow up. Perhaps if L was written in terms of it would have a nicer form...
|  | etano 2007-06-16 14:12:37 | There is a typo in Answer A, it should be y dot, not y double dot. |  |
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