GR9277 #1
Alternate Solutions |
casseverhart13 2019-07-04 10:57:43 | Thanks for your post! electrical contactor\r\n |  | tera 2006-08-21 02:14:34 | You can get the result by dimentional analysis |  |
Comments |
casseverhart13 2019-07-04 10:57:43 | Thanks for your post! electrical contactor\r\n |  | deepblue 2013-03-04 18:35:26 | This website is great.
I was wondering if there was a possible miscalculation.
It appears using the momentum operator normally defined you would have
-(i)*(i)hk which leads to an imaginary number times an imaginary number which is -1 .
So you have - [(i)*(i)] = (-)(-1)hk. So you get answer (C) which is just hk.
(My point is the author divided by (i) in the definition of the momentum operator instead of multipling the two imaginary numbers)
zeper 2013-03-09 09:11:39 |
no there is no mistake...1/i means -i...which is the same notation you mensioned.
|  | grep 2006-10-30 13:28:58 | You can also recognize that the wave function is just a standard transverse wave (like a light wave) for which de Broglie tells us h=lambda*p and the propagation number tells us k=2 pi/lambda
roofsing 2010-06-21 23:37:57 |
|  | grep 2006-10-03 12:37:48 | Oops, I meant it also leaves choice D
BerkeleyEric 2010-05-31 15:18:12 |
(D) actually gives units of kg * m/s^2, not kg * m^2/s as needed. (A) cannot be eliminated from dimensional analysis, but from physical intuition we know that a wave traveling in the x-direction should have momentum in the x-direction.
|  | grep 2006-08-28 13:07:27 | Hmm, doesn't dimensional analysis leave C as a possible choice? (or A for that matter)
gina4eva 2011-11-10 18:10:14 |
but isn't c the answer?
|  | tera 2006-08-21 02:14:34 | You can get the result by dimentional analysis
alemsalem 2010-09-24 08:30:20 |
the units for choice D also work but we dont know that the particle is moving with speed of light.
Quark 2011-10-25 12:04:21 |
More accurately, the particle can't be moving at the speed of light.
myscifilullaby1 2012-03-08 17:32:19 |
indeed! dimensional analysis gives two possibilities, A & C. When you use the momentum operator, you get C as the final answer.
|  | gottlob 2006-06-13 12:18:50 | I am a physics teacher from Greece and am trying to download the gre.pdf forms of the gre tests. I have downloaded the GRE0177 but i can't get the others (GRE9677, GRE9277 etc. My e-mail is Please, if any one can sent me, or give me information about, the tests i would be gratefull to him. |  |
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