GR8677 #19
Quantum Mechanics}Bohr Theory
Recall the Rydberg energy. QED
Alternate Solutions |
casseverhart13 2019-10-01 03:22:05 | Good Examine and fascinating. Thanks. | | jeka 2007-02-17 08:08:36 | Energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom is given by the equation
where is the Rydberg constant. So the right answer is (E) | |
Comments |
casseverhart13 2019-10-01 03:22:05 | Good Examine and fascinating. Thanks. | | ernest21 2019-08-10 03:09:33 | Instead of doing the long division by hand, you could just say that gamma is less than 2. Solving the inequality you get that v > \\sqrt{3/4}c. E is the only answer that satisfies this. amino acid game | | joshuaprice153 2019-08-08 07:30:34 | I\'m definitely going to bookmark your site, I just love your post, thanks for such a nice sharing.. Hope to get some info on your site in future. carpet steam cleaner | | jeka 2007-02-17 08:08:36 | Energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom is given by the equation
where is the Rydberg constant. So the right answer is (E)
FortranMan 2008-10-16 23:10:09 |
According to Griffiths, the allowed energies for a hydrogen atom are
Where is the ground state of the hydrogen atom,
The Rydberg constant is defined as
Thus the energy levels are given as
Not entirely necessary to solve the problem, but it's safer to keep your terms straight.
VKB 2014-03-25 21:44:48 |
Its a good approach to solve problems @ home,interesting.
| |
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