GR8677 #95
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andrewmc 2023-07-11 19:04:29 | Can someone explain to me the solution? I don\'t get it wht E ideal gas or what is? taylordle |  | psychonautQQ 2013-09-15 16:15:45 | entropy is a state variable, therefore it is path independent. Since you end up at the same spot as you started, it must be the same. KhanAcademy thermal videos FTW :P!
|  | livieratos 2011-11-08 07:07:24 | is it right to say that since the hot reservoir is losing heat its entropy is decreasing?
nngal 2012-01-25 11:29:56 |
Yes, I think it's right. In KL the hot reservoir's entropy is decreasing while the system's entropy is increasing. In MN the system's entropy increases in the same amount so in a cycle there's no net change in the entropy of the system.
|  | daverigie 2009-09-21 19:37:32 | dS is an exact differential so it is zero when integrated around a closed loop |  | anmuhich 2009-03-26 09:52:40 | The whole point of a Carnot cycle is to show the theoretical maximum efficiency. By definition this means that the entropy of the system stays the same because entropy is what makes you lose efficiency. Also, this is a theoretical system, so no change in entropy is possible. |  | tera 2006-07-25 04:28:34 | In the E is indepentend of the working substance as long as it is ideal gas i think
Poop Loops 2008-11-05 23:41:43 |
No, it is always independent of the substance. The problem is you can't always get a substance to work in a Carnot cycle. But if you can, then it doesn't matter what you're using.
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