GR8677 #76
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mvgnzls 2011-09-26 20:24:02 | energy before = energy after
Mgh= M + I w=v/r
Mgh= M + (M )
Mgh= M + M
Mgh= M
now, L= R x Mv = RMv = RM
|  | signminus 2010-08-02 14:25:18 | Another POE technique here is to realize that the hoop's angular momentum must depend on its radius (think about a hoop with really huge radius versus one with a tiny radius), so only answers (A) and (B) remain. Of course, something more is needed to get the exact answer, but in a pinch you'll be down to a 50-50 random guess at the worst.
ali8 2011-06-30 09:44:29 |
And if you, in general, are unlucky, like me, then it's really useless.
mpdude8 2012-04-19 16:05:57 |
POE is never useless, and if you can narrow it down to a 1 in 2 guess, guessing is a better option than skipping.
|  | ben 2006-07-19 16:23:40 | also, units rule out choices (C), (D), and (E). only (A) and (B) have units of angular momentum
jmason86 2009-08-10 20:34:14 |
Totally agreed. I did this.. but they were really mean in giving you a factor of 2 to distinguish the last choice. Damn ETS. Isn't that the first rule of real physics: Factors of 2 don't matter
|  | Andresito 2006-03-19 10:39:52 | This solution is confusing. Please specify why the factor of (1/2) disappears when you equate the translational energy with the potential energy.
Thank you
ben 2006-07-20 17:16:01 |
v=R*omega so the translational kinetic energy is equal to the rotational kinetic energy, and that value is (1/2)*M*R^2*omega^2. so when you add 1/2 plus 1/2 you get 1 making the total kinetic energy M*R^2*omega^2. nothing "disappears" here.
mvgnzls 2011-09-26 20:23:25 |
energy before = energy after
Mgh= M + I w=v/r
Mgh= M + (M )
Mgh= M + M
Mgh= M
now, L= R x Mv = RMv = RM
danielsw98667 2019-10-21 05:55:38 |
Because the answer is A. semenax review
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